Software & Tools

Matlab for Offshore Floating Wind Turbines Simulation Tools
Go to the download page: click here

Blue Deal VR Learn​
The APK for Blue Energy Technologies is ready for android phones and cardboard.
It is a simple implementation where the user can look around and hear some information about the technologies.
Two scenes are included, wind energy and wave energy. You can navigate with the buttons between the two scenes.
This work has been created in the frame of the Blue Deal Project by Geoimaging LTD

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

WEC technologies: GIFs
Download WEC gif for free:
- Oscillating Water Column (zip)
- Oscillating Wave Energy Converter (zip)
- Overtopping Device (zip)
- Submerged Pressure Differential (zip)
- Bulge Wave (zip)
- Point Absorber (zip)
- Surface Attenuator (zip)
- Rotating Mass Generator (zip)
- Notional Heaving Point Absorber (zip)
- Near-Shore Point Absorber (zip)
- Pewec (zip)
- WEC gif Package (zip)

OPENWAVE - Marine Energy
Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Matlab demonstration toolbox

MORE-EST Platform
RES is a web platform that supports maritime stakeholders in the exploitation of wave energy resource.

Agenda Pantelleria - Islands
Clear Energy for EU Island: Pantelleria