MORE partners with the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat

MOREnergy Lab’s Research Center has been selected as the Italian regional partner of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat.
Islands across Europe are accelerating their transition to clean energy. The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat supports European islands in their planning with technical support, capacity-building activities and networking opportunities.
Pantelleria Energy Transition Agenda
The Island of Pantelleria, in Sicily, is one of the Italian pioneer islands for energy transition.
Over the last few years we have drawn up, through a participatory process, the “Pantelleria Clean Energy Transition Agenda”, focusing on the environmental and social impacts of energy supply and consumption.
With the drafting of the Agenda for the Energy Transition of the island we have indicated, together with various local realities, the way forward to achieve energy self-sufficiency by 2050.

Download here the document on the analysis of the current constraining landscape of the island of Pantelleria in relation to the enhancement of renewable sources and in particular wind power.
Renewable energy generation via re-utilization of abandoned but valuable sites
The actions included in RETRIEVE are one of the main lines of action of the Energy Transition Agenda.
The project aims to actively involve the local community in the energy transition, in order to make citizens and local authorities active participants in the required change, while promoting the social acceptability of the proposed initiatives. In addition to involving the island’s population in the
identification of areas will seek to identify the best strategy for the construction and management of the plants, also providing a shareholding part among the local community.
The goal is to achieve the installation of over 1 MW of RES power plants (wind and photovoltaic).
The naturalistic and landscape constraints that exist on the island of Pantelleria pose in fact some limits to the production of distributed energy from renewable sources. A potential solution to this problem is represented by the realization in areas of limited landscape value of wind and
photovoltaic parks of medium size, in which citizens can be co-owners of a part of the plants.
RETRIEVE proposes a virtuous approach to energy and space planning, placing local governments and citizenship at the center of energy policy.