Project > MORE-EST Platform
MORE-EST Platform
RES is a web platform that supports maritime stakeholders in the exploitation of wave energy resource. The tool provides the wave information for the period 2010 to 2019 and the power matrix of different WECs. The user can identify the best location for the wave energy assessment and obtain the time series of the main synthetic parameters in addition to several statistical analyses. For the European Sea, different constraints are shown, such as military areas, installed offshore structures, protected locations and the main vessel route.
Once the site is chosen, the user can evaluate the energy produced by different WECs: the monthly and yearly variability is provided, and the most energetic wave direction is computed.
Future developments aim to provide the energy produced by a farm of WECs, considering the bathymetric depth, the distance from the coast and the wave energy resource. This additional tool is helpful for energy planning and evaluation policy makers.

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The platform has been developed in collaboration with the Energy Transition Lab (EST) from Politecnico di Torino.
The web-based tool, (back- and front-end) has been developed by GDP Analytics: