About us
The Marine Offshore Renewable Energy Lab (MORE) research centre born at Politecnico di Torino and represents the result of the experience gained by Politecnico in the marine energy field.
The Team is highly multidisciplinary and enumerates more of 50 members between permanent and temporary researchers, PhD students and research fellows that constitute the propulsive core of the Centre. The work will also be carried out with the benefit of the research infrastructures of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Politecnico.

The MOREnergy main activities focus on the developments of analysis methods, design and test of marine energy powerplants technologies with activities focussed to Design, Numerical Modelling, Control Systems development, Tests both in Tanks and in Open Sea.
The Center ecosystem comprises several research groups and characterizes itself for a strong propensity to collaborate at multiple levels, with industrial stakeholders and numerous national and international partners, also involved in the facilities available to the Center.
- 2006
Research activity in offshore renewable energy begins
- 2010
University spin-off Wave For Energy established for technology development to high TRLs and industrialisation
- 2016
Collaboration with Eni – main industrial partner for ISWEC – starts
- To date
18 PhD students, + 200 resarch assistants, + 200 graduation theses
Main expertises of MORE Laboratory

Resources assessment

Mooring design

Design and experimental test

Control strategies

Wind and wave resource analysis

Holistic optimisation

Computational fluid dynamics

Advanced hydrodynamic modelling

Model validation and performing testing

Development of energy scenarios for minor islands
RD&I in a diffused laboratory

The complexity represented by the marine applications needs numerous professional figures interconnected between each other and supported strongly by the most high-performing technologies. For this reason, the Center includes capabilities on advanced wave energy systems modelling for the design and evaluation of marine system and the definition of scenarios. The center also possess an HPC (High Performance Calculus) infrastructure to enhance and speed-up the modeling activities.
Together with the numerical modelling activity, the Center couple an intensive experimental activity, result of 15-years wide experience ranging from hardware in the loop testing activities to experimental tests in tanks both in the national and international landscape.
Most of activities are performed at MORE’s headquarters in Turin. There state of the art studies, modelling, simulations and test rig experiments are performed. Soon the Lab will equip itself with a wave tank for concepts (TRL 1-3).
When further tests are required, the Lab collaborates with large test facilities in Europe, in particular with Università di Napoli. For validation in operational environments, the Lab exploits its own test area in concession at Pantelleria.